

This policy forms part of the terms and conditions on which you agree to access and use this system. The policy explains how Vialto Partners handles personal information. If you have any further questions in relation to this policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer on the email address given on this website. As used in this privacy policy, “Vialto Partners” (and “we”, “us”, or “our”) refer to GLXY SOUTH AFRICA OPCO (PTY) LTD (“Vialto SA”), its affiliates and other entities in the Vialto professional network that provide tax and/or immigration compliance and/or consulting services. Each of Vialto SA, such affiliates and other entities may be referred to in this privacy statement as a “Vialto Entity”. This privacy policy applies to Vialto Entities located in Mauritius and South Africa.

Collecting information relating to individuals

Vialto Partners collects personal information for a range of business purposes from sources such as its clients, customers, employees, contractors and other individuals. We collect information relating to the contact details and organisational roles of our clients, suppliers and other business contacts. The information will relate to basic information of the person such as names, addresses (whether residential or business), mobile or telephone numbers, e-mail addresses (whether personal or work) and job designations.
The information we collect during the provision of our services to our clients would generally be of a more detailed nature such as financial information. In most cases, the information we collect would be from the individuals with whom we deal, and the medium are either through forms or other types of interaction whether by email, conversations or through third parties when there is no direct interaction.

How we deal with and use the personal information

Our main purposes for collecting personal information about individuals are:
  • Providing services;
  • Responding to requests;
  • Maintaining client relationship;
  • Notifying clients of our product offerings and developments;
  • Reporting and management;
  • Recruiting;
  • Relating to our staff; and
  • Any purpose that would relate to our business

We may use personal information about individuals to market our services, including by email. However, individuals always have the opportunity to elect not to receive further marketing information from us by emailing us at za_immigration_south_africa@vialto.com.
Please allow 28 days for your request to be processed. If we collect or use personal information in ways other than as stated in this policy, we will ensure we do so pursuant to the requirements of the applicable law(s).

Disclosure of personal information

Vialto Partners does not routinely disclose personal information to other organisations unless:
  • required by law;
  • use or disclosure is permitted by this policy;
  • we believe it necessary to provide you with a product or service which you have requested or are contracted to;
  • to protect the rights, property or personal safety of any member of the public or a customer of Vialto Partners or the interests of Vialto Partners;
  • some or all of the assets or operations of Vialto Partners are or may be transferred to another party as part of the sale of some or all of Vialto Partners’ business; or
  • you give your consent. We may also share non-personal, de-identified and aggregated information for research or promotional purposes.

Except as set out in this policy, we do not sell or trade personal information to third parties or allow such third parties to use that personal information. Vialto Partners uses a range of service providers to help us maximise the quality and efficiency of our services and our business operations (including internal business requirements, such as recruitment and human capital requirements). This means that individuals and organisations outside of Vialto Partners will sometimes have access to personal information held by Vialto Partners and may collect or use it from or on behalf of Vialto Partners. This may include, but is not limited to, independent contractors and consultants, travel service providers, mail houses, off-site security storage providers, website hosts, electronic database managers, or event managers, credit managers and debt collecting agencies. We require our service providers to adhere to our privacy guidelines and not to keep this information or use it for any unauthorised purposes. If Vialto Partners' staff obtain products or services offered by a third party pursuant to an agreement or arrangement between that third party and Vialto Partners, such as a credit card provider, we may provide your personal information to that third party, including information that relates to your use of such services.

Transfer of information cross border

As part of a global network of Vialto Partners firms, Vialto Partners exchanges information, including personal information, between its offices. As a result, we may transfer personal information cross border to countries with differing privacy protection levels. Vialto Partners may also use overseas facilities or contractors to process or back-up its information or to provide certain services to Vialto Partners. As a result, we may transfer your personal information to our overseas facilities or contractors for these purposes. However, any such transfer of information does not change any of our commitments to safeguard your privacy and the information remains subject to existing confidentiality obligations.

Privacy on our websites

This policy also applies to any personal information we collect via our websites, including Vialto Partners.com. In addition to personal information you provide to us directly (such as where you make a request or complete a registration form), Vialto Partners may also collect personal information from you via its websites. Cookies may be used on some areas of our websites. A cookie is a small software application which allows a website to recognise a previous user and to observe how a user navigates within a website. Cookies are now used as a standard by many websites. Vialto Partners uses cookies to improve the navigational experience of visitors to our websites and to make them easier to use. If you are concerned about cookies, most browsers now recognise when a cookie is offered and permit you to opt out of receiving it. If you are not sure whether your browser has this capability, you should check with the software manufacturer or your internet service provider. In most cases, you can refuse a cookie and still fully navigate the Vialto Partners websites. In order to properly manage our websites, we may log certain statistics about the users of the sites, for example the users' domains and browser types. None of this information specifically identifies an individual and it is used solely to ensure that our websites present the best possible navigational experience for visitors. Whenever a registered member (such as a Vialto Partners alumnus) logs in to our websites, they will be identified by their user name and password. The information we collect about members' use of our websites is used purely for measuring site performance and in assisting to resolve any technical difficulties. Because Vialto Partners wants your website experience to be as informative and resourceful as possible, we may provide a number of links to websites operated by third parties. Vialto Partners is not responsible for the privacy practices or policies of those sites. We encourage you to review each website's privacy policy, especially if you intend to disclose any personal information via that site. A link to another non-Vialto Partners website is not an express or implied endorsement, promotion or warranty of the products or services offered by or accessible through that site or advertised on that site.

Security of personal information

Depending on the purpose for which we have collected personal information (for example, registration for a Vialto Partners event or a request for particular information or material), we may store some of the information electronically in Vialto Partners' customer relationship management system. Some or all of this personal information may be available to partners and authorised staff of Vialto Partners for use in accordance with this policy. Vialto Partners will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any information which we hold about you, whether electronically or in hard-copy, and to keep this information accurate and up to date. We also require our employees and data processors to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by Vialto Partners. Vialto Partners aims to achieve industry best practice in the security of personal information which it holds. It is our policy to destroy personal information once there is no longer a legal or business need for us to retain it.

Access to information

We will provide access to personal information upon request by an individual, except in the limited circumstances in which it is permitted for us to withhold this information (for instance, where granting access would infringe another person's privacy). When you make a request to access personal information, we will require you to provide some form of identification (such as a driver's licence or passport) so we can verify that you are the person to whom the information relates. In some cases, we may also request an administrative fee to cover the cost of access. If at any time you want to know what personal information we hold about you, you may contact us in writing or by email.

Corrections and concerns

If you believe that information we hold about you is incorrect or out of date, or if you have concerns about how we are handling your personal information, please contact us and we will try to resolve those concerns. If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let us know and we will take reasonable steps to delete it (unless we need to keep it for legal, auditing or internal risk management reasons).

If Vialto Partners becomes aware of any ongoing concerns or problems concerning our privacy practices, we will take these issues seriously and work to address these concerns. If you have any further queries relating to our privacy policy, or you have a problem or complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer as indicated above. Vialto Partners operates in a dynamic business environment. Over time, aspects of our business may change as we respond to changing market conditions. This may require our policies to be reviewed and revised. Vialto Partners reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time and notify you by posting an updated version of the policy on this website. The amended policy will apply between us whether or not we have given you specific notice of any change.